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Manifested all the things I wanted
Submitted by: Spundan Das Gupta
Chennai, TamilnaduI am 24 years old, working as a web designer and aiming to be a full time writer.
There is an old saying that ‘if you think the world has turned its back on you, think again, you might have turned your back on it’. How true? Once I applied this, I was seeing the world again as beautiful as I wanted. I made good friends, got a good job, my mom came back to India and got a good job herself. Our house was mortgaged big deal!! We sold it at a price that would send any real estate man to the asylum. I received a lot of goodies too that I always craved for, like my Xbox 360 so that I could play my favourite game ‘Halo 3’ on, my latest laptop, a brand new computer, and a LED TV.
The biggest dream of all, I had written a story and always wanted to get it published. Guess what? No Indian publishers accepted my work. Why? Because the universe knows what is good for me. A reputed American company took my book titled ‘SANDHYA’ and had it released world over. I couldn’t believe it. I am now expecting my first royalty check and using all the power of attraction to buy a new house. I know I will get it.
The Secret changed my entire life. It has made me strong, fearless, and optimistic.
If I can do it, so can you! Just believe in yourself and the universe.