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Manifestation And Inner Peace.
Submitted by: Rani
India21 year old.
It was when I was reading my high school’s magazine that I saw an article in which a girl mentioned The Secret. Every other article was either about the places people visited or about some school events, yet this girl kept talking about the “law of attraction” and “The Secret”. I wondered what this big secret was. I immediately started to Google it. I found out it was a book. I really wanted to buy it. This was all before 2012.
When I was traveling back to India, I went into a bookshop at the airport and wondered if I could find The Secret. I didn’t know anything about gratitude or visualization then. I kept looking for this beautiful red book but I didn’t find it. But I saw another book called, The Magic. I didn’t even know this was one of Rhonda Byrne’s books back then but The Secret emblem on it made me buy it. In 2012 I had the book in my hand.
As I started to read it, I came across the word “gratitude”. This was a word I’d never heard of back then. As soon as I started to read it, I realized what gratitude meant. I was shaken!!! You mean you just had to be grateful to make your dreams a reality!? That is it??? I didn’t make a list of my desires because that was something new to me, but as I reached the “Heart Magic” chapter, I made a gratitude list. The first time I did it, my eyes were filled with tears of joy. The sudden realization that I had a lot to be grateful for, made my heart fill with love. I felt so happy, so at ease. My sister asked me why was I so happy??
I was just around 13 or 14 then and didn’t practice it regularly. I did attract some desires by applying The Secret on and off. These are only just a few.
I had a recurring boil that appeared on my body. I didn’t know how to get rid of it or that it was even called a “boil” until recently. I felt grateful for its healing and I trusted the Universe that it would be gone. The next day, the swollen boil had disappeared!!!
I also attracted compliments. I would thank God for the compliments I would receive that day. Then I would forget about it and go to school. Then of the blue, some girl would be like “Aww! You are so cute!”
I also used it throughout my school years and was able to take tests and somehow pass in amazing ways, just by applying The Secret.
Most of us are just focused on not hurting others and that’s what we are taught to do. What we need to learn first is to stop hurting ourselves. You deserve the love you give out. Love yourself first!
I’ll soon be writing my manifestation stories here. Please do not be harsh on yourself. Treat yourself with love! Soon you’ll ask yourself, “Why didn’t I see before what I see in me now!”