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Make Room, Declare, Wait And Be Grateful.
Submitted by: E Gallagher
London UKI am a mother of four, in my fifties, and now happily married to the love of my life.
In late 2009 I was at the lowest point you could possibly be at. My father had died the previous year and before I could properly grieve, my husband left me for another woman. I was a single parent of four beautiful children. Unbeknownst to me at the time I was also suffering from severe mental health issues. I was a strong woman however, and I dealt with life. I had no choice.
Then one day as I went shopping with my children, I picked up a tub of ice cream thinking that this will be all mine later tonight, when as clear as a bell I heard someone say “no”. I stopped and looked around. No one was there but I put it back in the freezer.
That was the start of my weight loss. I lost seven stone (around 98 lbs) and I began to discover a new life. I was able to go out and I was having a great time, making new friends and enjoying compliments and attention I had not had for a long time. But I was lonely, in pain , and I really wanted to find someone to spend my life with.
Then one day a friend asked my if I had heard about the book, The Secret.
Curious, I read it and I found it interesting. I watched The Secret DVD and began to try to include the teachings into my life.
I saw small things happening and I started learning more and more about the law of attraction, quantum physics, and lots of other information. More things happened around me and I was feeling happy. But still not happy enough. Something was missing. I began to send out a request, that someone would come into my life to love me. Months past and nothing happened. As normal for me, I began to lose interest, I began to doubt things and question things. Also with my mental health issues, I found it harder and harder to be thinking positive. I found myself forgetting to be grateful and began to look at the negatives in life. I was happy enough, and just got on with life.
Then one night as I was looking online, I began to read a story about how someone had wanted someone in their life. That was the one thing that was missing. I really wanted to share my life with someone. And it then struck me. As I looked over onto the “empty” side of my double bed it was covered in books, papers, and other such rubbish. I began to realize that if I wanted someone to love me, where is he going to sleep?
I got out of my bed and I cleared everything away. I put a pillow on that side. I made sure it was ready and comfortable for someone. I got back into my bed and I said quietly “I want someone to adore me.” I lay down and went to sleep. The next day I looked at my wardrobe. I had a clear out and I made room the clothes of this man who would adore me.
The next day and the days following, I just walked around knowing that I would meet him. I just knew that I was close to finding him. When I had those thoughts I would just say “thank you”. I began to see the things I was grateful for already and would say thank you. I was feeling happier than I had for a long time as I knew I would soon no longer be lonely.
Then, about two weeks after my declaration, after asking for someone to adore me, I met him.
We were married in January of this year. We have been together 8 years. and every day he tells me “I adore you”.
I told him the story, after a year or so, of me asking the Universe for him. He thanked me for doing that and said, “Only the Universe could have brought me to you” and he also told me of how he had also asked in a different way for someone to love and to love him just before he met me.
I wrote this story to share that it does work. I also wrote it to say if you are human like me you can forget, or you can slip out of the gratitude habit, or you can lapse back into the “the world is so awful” mindset. Also if you are like me and suffer from mental health issues it can be even more difficult to remain positive or to think in a positive way. However, I would like to say, don’t give up. Don’t beat yourself up for not always being on form. You can pick up again and try again because when you do, the results can be amazing and you all deserve amazing in your lives.