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Magic Check
Submitted by: Marilyn
Mid MichiganBusiness person who has struggled in this economy.
I read the Magic and all of Rhonda’s books they have made my life so much better. But the story I need to talk about is the Magic Check. When I read the practice about the Magic check, I went to the website and downloaded the blank check. I had no idea what amount to put on the check but I had thoughts of $7000.00 come to me at once.
I wrote the check said the thank you and put it in my wallet. Three weeks later I got a check for a boat we sold. I had not planned on selling it yet when I went to my wallet I found the Magic check. I did not even remember the amount although I looked at it all the time I never paid any attention to the amount.
21 days it took and I had the check to match the one from the website. I have been blessed over and over since I started saying thank you every chance I get . And now I have the $7000 too. Thank You Rhonda.