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Love of my life
Submitted by: Maureen
NairobiI am a believer
Some time last year I met a man that I fell deeply in love with and we hit it off from day one. We would see each other everyday and when I was away from him, he would call me till the wee hours of the night.
I can’t tell how this happened but one day I noticed that the phone calls reduced and he wasn’t eager to see me as he used to. This really hurt my feelings and at that time i didn’t know that I was pregnant with his child. Due to stress I lost the child and I couldn’t tell him because I was afraid of his reaction.
One day during the morning hours at work, a colleague of mine gave me The Secret movie and I watched it over and over although didn’t really believe but decided to give it a try.
I used to picture us in his house watching movies, playing, doing laundry and that sort of thing. I would get so engrossed in my thoughts of him and sometimes that I would cry. Two months later he called me and told me he wanted to make dinner for me at his house and I accepted.
That was the day he asked me to marry him and everything happened just the way I had imagined it . I have never been happier and we are now expecting our first child.