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Living my life how I wanted it
Submitted by: Wiri
KaitaiaStudying for dream job.
A few weeks ago I felt my life was going nowhere, and I just came to the end and thought I did not have a bright future and I didn’t deserve anything. Being a spiritual person, I asked god for help and guidance, hoping he could help me.
That day I went for a walk to my mother’s, feeling sad and angry. She was moving addresses, she had packed up everything, and she only had her table in the kitchen. On the kitchen table was a book. It was The Secret. But I took no notice of it, thinking it was just another novel.
My mum said a friend found the book on the side of the road and brought it over when they were visiting her.
I went home still angry and wishing I could do better for myself.
A few days later I went into our garage and noticed the book was on one of the shelves. My dad said mum dropped it off in case one of us wanted to read it. I was drawn to the book and picked it up and took it to my room. For some reason when I began reading I started to feel happy, and felt a goodness inside of me.
I started to clear all negative thoughts and started to concentrate on the things I wanted in my life .
After that day my friends seemed to treat me differently, and I got visitors all the time, and when I gave people money I somehow got the same amount back mysteriously. If I gave my friends money when I knew I needed it I’d clean the house and find the exact amount I gave them. If I thought of someone I’d see them that same day.
So many good things are happening for me every day, because when I expect good things then I receive good things.
I’ve only been using it for a little while, but it has made me A LOT OF A BETTER PERSON!!!! And when I believe in receiving something I receive it.
Thanks a lot – it came into my life at the right time!