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Little Treats.
Submitted by: Jen W.
MontanaI'm just someone who believes in the power of The Secret.
I work in a medical office and we get treats every once in a while from our providers and vendors. Sometimes it might be coffee, sometimes lunch, sometimes just a tray of goodies. On my way to work, I was thinking of doughnuts and wishing I had a delicious doughnut this morning. I got to work and when I went to the break room to get some water, I checked the calendar to see if we were scheduled to get any treats today. There was nothing on the calendar about it so there would be no doughnuts that day, or so I thought.
About 10 minutes later, one of the providers came by my office with 3 boxes of doughnuts from my favorite doughnut shop!! I told her she must have read my mind, but deep down inside I knew all along that it was The Secret!!! I am so glad my husband showed me The Secret movie a few years ago. It has truly changed my life and I have manifested so many great things both big and small. I am more sure every day that the Universe is sending me all the things I need to make all of my dreams come true!!