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A Literal Key Of Love.
Submitted by: R.A.W.
Pittsburgh, PAI am a mother of 4, a dietitian, and just miraculously completed a doctorate in business administration. I started practicing The Secret principles about 7 or 8 years ago when I saw a feature on the Oprah show. I have transformed every aspect of my life and have manifested many miraculous things in my life. My life is shifting in the direction of 'All Up' and I am ready to start serving others as I enter the next chapter of my life.
On Valentines day I was buying some last minute treats for my kids and my partner in a grocery store. My focus for months has been on trying to bring more good and prosperity into my life and I asked God for a sign that I was on the right path.
As I was blissfully shopping in the floral department, touching and smelling the Valentine arrangements, a pedestal caught my eye. On top of the pedestal was a large antique looking key with the word LOVE embossed on it. I picked up the key and said to myself, “This was meant for you, this is your sign”. I wish I could upload a photo to show everyone my new found treasure.
For days I procrastinated submitting my story and I asked, should I share my story? Low and behold, I received another sign. When I looked at my daily inspiration from The Secret app today it read, “Prosperity is your birthright and you hold the key to more abundance in every area in your life. More than you can possibly imagine. The Secret is that you have the key. The key is your thoughts and feelings. And you have been holding the key in your hand all of your life”. Message received! Stay the course, you are on the right path and everything you visualize and desire is already yours!
Blessings to all who read this! I can not wait to share my next story of manifesting my dream job as a University professor!