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Law of Attraction Tarot Cards
Submitted by: Robyn R
Syracuse, NYI practice LOA on a daily basis and it has completely changed my life. I couldn't be happier. I literally have gone from broke, miserable and in a terrible, loveless relationship to happily married, financially comfortable and endlessly happy.
I have had an incredible experience that I just have to share. Being a fan of “The Secret” and books alike, my husband purchased for me a Deck of Law of Attraction Tarot Cards for my birthday. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to put these to work. In fact, I brought them in to work with me. Every day I pull a card, any card that the Universe wants to show me what I need to focus on for that day. Well, one day in particular I pull a card that tells me that any check that I write comes back to me tenfold. Immediately I think wow, what a powerful thought this could manifest into something magnificent. So in the morning I begin to concentrate on this card, any opportunity I can find to meditate and really focus on this card I grabbed. Thinking about the checks that I write…rent, etc. Well, I head off to lunch and when I come back there’s a mesage from the “Big Boss” asking me to come to his office when I return. So I go right into his office and he sits me down, explaining to me that I was put in for a Merit Award and it was finally approved. Which means to me an extra $1000.00 bonus in my next check! I had no idea I was even put in for this award or even had a hindering that they even existed, but you can guess that I am extremely grateful for it! Now every single day all the coworkers pull from the deck and focus on their card for the day. I think hubby’s gift was a big hit! I have to thank Rhonda though, because it was through her that I began this amazing journey and I am sure there will be many more stories to share with you all!