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Submitted by: Keep the Faith
New JerseyI am a young woman who now Believes!!!
First, I would like to say that I am truly grateful to Rhonda and the Secret team for letting the world in on this truly amazing gift that we all have within us. I am grateful beyond words!!!
My story starts off that I was engaged to the BEST man in the whole world. We had been engaged to be married, until everything turned so negative between us. We have been together for many years and have had our ups and downs, but through it all he’s always been my best friend. But somehow things got really bad and we broke up. We hadn’t spoke in about a month and a half, and during that time I had been reading and listening to “THE SECRET.”
Here’s what happened. I started applying it to my everyday life and little things started happening. I’d win every time on scratch off tickets, where before I would NEVER win. I like to sit and have coffee on my deck early in the morning and watch the birds and wildlife come and eat. They actually come and talk to me (in bird language of course). I’d say something – they would answer back! This never happened before. I found a lottery ticket on the floor in the parking lot and it was a winner. These are just some things that have been happening, but there was a lot more than that.
So back to the engagement story. He’s gone over a month. While he’s gone I started reading the book, listening to the CDs; I made a vision board; I was meditating and reading all the encouraging stories that people have written on this website (which helped me through the times I was about to throw in the towel). I was doing everything that I thought I needed to do, but didn’t see any results. I even went as far as putting “Believe” up all over my house under his picture, so every time I’d look at his picture I’d see “Believe” and think about us together, but that wasn’t working, so I thought there has to be more I can do.
I love him with all my heart and soul and want him in my life for eternity, so one more thing I decided to try was something someone on your site said they’d done. One person wrote that they had written on a piece of paper that they wanted the other person to call them by a certain date, so I wrote on a piece of paper the date and time that I wanted to go to lunch with him. What happened was a true miracle! Here it was Monday, no call. Tuesday nothing, Wednesday he called but I wasn’t home. I called back and left him a message that I was home. Thursday came. I was still focused and being grateful that we already were back together. He called several times while I was out, and when I came home he called again as soon as I walked in the door. I kept thinking positive because I wanted no negativity around me and he asked me out to talk in an hour!
We are now back together!!
I am a firm BELIEVER in THE SECRET. IT WORKS!!!!!!!! This is truly phenomenal!!!!
Ask, *Believe*, and you WILL without doubt Receive. I am soooooo happy and grateful now that we are back together.
My intention is that this story keeps others motivated that everything is true and you can’t stop in mid stream just because you don’t see it happening yet. KEEP THE FAITH and Believe and it WILL happen.
Thank You!!!! Thank You !!!!Thank You!!!!