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Just My Luck
Submitted by: Anonymous
MAI am a teenager who knows he has a good life ahead of him. :)
First I’d like to say thank you to Rhonda and the whole team for sharing The Secret.
Well, I have had many experiences with the LOA but there are 2 that I’d really like to share.
Well to start off I really wanted a superman tank top that I had always seen my friend wearing. I didn’t purposely apply the LOA to this one, but afterwards I knew I did. Anyways, everytime I would see her wearing it I would imagine myself having one and the feeling of having it and I would just feel happy. I would look at images of the shirt.
One day I went shopping, I wasn’t thinking about the tank top and I was just looking for a few clothes for the summer. Well after I was done with getting a few clothes, my sister randomly yelled “YOU HAVE TO GET THIS SHIRT”. I went to see what it was and looked and saw that it was the superman tank top! It was pretty cheap too. She didn’t even know I wanted one. Nobody did.
My second experience was a few weeks ago when my phone’s touch screen started not to work. Every time I would press 2 it would press 3, and I wouldn’t be able to get into my phone.
I decided I would use the LOA to attract my phone’s touch screen to work, I would picture in my mind it working again and truly believed it was working.
A few weeks later I went over my friend’s house and was talking to her mom’s boyfriend. Randomly he started talking about how he fixed his touch screen fast and pretty cheap. Mind you I didn’t tell him about my phone. He stated the same exact problems as my phone had, the 2 would press 3′ and stuff like that. So he gave me a card for the person who would fix it, now all I have to do is get the money and get it fixed (:
I L O V E the LOA.