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Just Have Faith.
Submitted by: AS
IndiaJust a girl who believes in magical things.
So this is a story about gratitude and keeping my faith. I have known about The Secret for a long time but I never thought about using it, or maybe I did use it but never put a lot of faith into it. Right now I am working on manifesting my partner and I am sure that it will happen because I now have complete faith in the Universe. I will share that story pretty soon. But for now, I am practicing The Magic, and just 2 days into it I have received so many signs from the Universe. For example, a random interaction with a kind stranger. I was sitting in the dark in a park and just wanted a quiet place. So this kind stranger approached me out of nowhere and asked me if I was okay and why was I sitting in the dark. I said everything was fine, thank you for your concern, and then walked away. I received calls from 2 of my friends and had a nice conversation. There were so many other little signs as well.
It’s all real, just have faith. If you give love you will receive love. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am beyond grateful.