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It’s Not The First Time!
Submitted by: Anonymous
IndiaOne who loves The Secret and The Magic!!!
I never thought I would submit my own personal story here, but since this is not the first time I am experiencing the power of The Secret and The Magic, I decided to write my own experience.
One of my relatives recently got Covid 19. We were shocked because we were not sure about the source of the infection. I practiced gratitude 3 times every day visualizing her being in perfect health. I gave my thanks to the Universe and I also used The Magic wand technique to ensure that I had removed all the sickness from her body by waving The Magic wand from head to toe. All you need is a clear visualization and desire and really feel it.
She recovered so soon without many symptoms and was back to normal in a month’s time.
Thank you so much to Rhonda and The Secret for all this. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!