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It Did Not Rain It Poured!
Submitted by: Magic
Bangalore,IndiaA very lucky, blessed and greatful believer of The Secret.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Rhonda for sharing The Secret that has transformed my life.
Thank you to my dear friend George Daniel who shared The Secret with me when I was at the lowest point of my life.
I began with watching the movie, then reading the book that immediately uplifted my spirits and brought tremendous confidence in me. I began to feel gratitude and saw how truly blessed I was for having more than enough. I began to get ideas for business which would have never crossed my mind before. I began to focus on things that mattered and got stronger in my faith in believing I could!
I was discouraged many times when results did not show up the way I expected them to. I began to doubt my decisions, but I always came back here to read the Stories and practice The Magic.
I began to see the results again. I became so grateful for my results that LOA delivered more and more.
Today I am blessed with everything and I am overcome with gratitude at The Magic.
It absolutely works 100%. It works instantly if gratitude is felt at a deeper level. It’s true on how beautiful life can be if we appreciate what we have and then manifesting whatever we want seems very easy.
People seek me out to give me business now. I just think about it and yup, I thank what I want and it manifests instantly!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my story and may the universe bring you all happiness.