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If I Had Any Doubt Before, It’s Been Cleared Up.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Toronto, ONYoung professional
After applying to a company for 6 plus years and having three different sets of interviews over those 6 plus year time span, I finally have landed a job with my dream company.
After watching The Secret, I created a vision board. There were not many things on it, just a beautiful home, a fancy car and a business card I had acquired from one of those unsuccessful interviews for my dream company.
One day out of the blue, I received a phone call from a recruiter. I kindly refused any offer before even hearing the company name; I had a job, I was employed, I was happy. The recruiter responded by telling me that he would carry on his search for another candidate and if I knew anyone who was looking for a position with my dream company, to let him know. When I heard the name of my dream company I was absolutely thrilled, slightly anxious and told him I would have an updated resume to send to him by the end of the night.
Now I sit here, typing to you on a laptop provided to me by my dream company and walking into work with a smile of my face every single day. Thank you for presenting The Secret to the world. Where would I be without it, I do not know, but I am thankful everyday for the blessings I have a received as a result.
Stay positive and visualize your future and one day, it will become your reality.