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I Love You!
Submitted by: Johary
I am married with two kids. I have had a few ups and downs in my life, but finally my life is taking a turn for the better now that The Secret, The Power and the LOA have been introduced to my life.
Hello everybody.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rhonda, her team, and the universe for introducing these wonderful tools into my life, and most of all, for giving me hope.
Friday afternoon on my way out of work, and after listening to “The Power” I decide to test the theory of positive thinking by writing on a piece of paper the following statement “Tomorrow morning, the first thing I will see or hear when I get out of bed will be the words I LOVE YOU”.
That same day during the evening and out of the blue, my eight year old daughter came to me telling me she has something for me. Much to my surprise it was a piece of paper where she had written “I love you mummy, I love my brother and my daddy”. I said thank you to my daughter and thank you to the Universe because to me, this event was clearly the manifestation of the statement I have declared early that day.
Here is another example of how your thoughts and desires could manifest without you even being aware of it. A week later I needed to take half of day off from work to attend an appointment. Since I did not have any leave remaining, I kept thinking about using food poisoning as an excuse to justify my absence from work that day. Well, four days before this appointment, I decided to take my family out for dinner. And much to my surprise, my children got very sick from food poisoning after eating some chicken at this restaurant.
My point here is that by applying the LOA principle we can manifest or attract anything in our lives, positive or negative, no matter how big or small our wishes might be.
Thank you to God and the Universe.