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I Almost Can’t Believe It!
Submitted by: Terese S.
NorwaySoon to be 30. I am working as a nurse. I had a hard childhood with the loss of two of my most beloved family members at a young age, my mom when I was 7, and my grandfather when I was 14. Though I adore my father, my early years were clouded with depression, frustration and I was not able to put myself first.
I had read The Secret book and had seen The Secret movie many years ago. At the time I found it hard to believe, I thought it was pure luck for the people who accomplished these things. I forgot quickly what to do. I was in a bad place with myself, and I was not able to turn my thoughts around but some part of me knew I must find a way.
I have always been able to work hard. I have many good friends and I always try to think positively. A few months back I took out The Secret and started to read it, and I even watched the movie again. It felt easier this time though I still had a little doubt.
I own a little apartment and until 1 year ago I was not very good at handling money. I always paid what I should, but had little to spare. Three months ago I was browsing for apartments for sale and I saw this beautiful apartment with 3 bedrooms, a fireplace, and it was only a 5 minute walk to my work. I fell instantly in love with it. I made a budget and saw that I was capable of managing the loan, but to get the loan would be nearly impossible by myself with no equity. I tried to practice what I had read and after a month, I went to the bank.
They agreed that I could manage the loan, but there are strict rules without equity and I could not sell my place before I could buy something new. However, I did not give up. The apartment was still for sale and I spoke to my aunt to ask if she could help me out. Sadly, they were not able to help either. I stared at the apartment and then walked through the rooms in my mind. After another month went by, I by chance mentioned the apartment to my uncle, and he offered to help me out. I was so happy. I went to the bank one more time and I would be able to get the loan if I could get the apartment for 412,617 dollars. It was priced at 418,429 dollars.
I placed a bid and started low. I was the only one with an offer but the owners did not accept it. So I went higher and they told me if I could pay 412,617 dollars it was mine. I could not believe it!!
I got it! The apartment is now mine! At the moment I am doing the final touches on my old apartment before putting out the for sale ad. If I get enough for it my uncle does not even have to be a guarantor for the loan.
I used The Secret Super App to try to feel every affirmation and stay positive in my mind and body. To imagine what I wanted, and not doubt myself. I finally believe The Secret is true and I will do my very best to keep working on it every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to the Universe. I am so in awe!