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How I got my Believe Tour Tickets!!
Submitted by: Tyra
United KingdomHappy teenager, all my dreams become my reality, because of the simple LOA blessed by God and Jesus my Saviour and grateful to know The Secret :)
So I thought I would share this story, because it still inspires me every day it may be long but it’s a journey I would like to share with fellow LOA believers, because I know I was once looking for a story like this to help me so now I have mine to tell. Hope it helps you as much as possible:))
So this whole journey starts all the way back in 2010 before I knew The Secret. I wanted to go to Justin Bieber’s and My World Tour tickets were preparing to go on sale and me being a big belieber I was super excited. I wanted to go so bad, my sister said she was going to go with her friend and when I asked my mum to go she said no. I was devastated it was like having someone rip your dream apart I went and cried and got in to numerous arguments with my mum. I just couldn’t get past the fact that my sister who’s not that big of a fan and me who was his biggest belieber couldn’t. I was like why is this all going wrong for me. Despite this I did all the way up to the My World Concert try my hardest to convince my mum and even had the inspired thought that if I visualised myself there in the crowd and him singing somehow God would answer my prayers and I would get to go. Somehow if I “believed” with all my heart and soul I’d be there. But now looking back if I actually did do that I would have gone. But, at the time I don’t know how to explain it was all in my head like I “believed” but I didn’t properly whole heartedly believe because I didn’t know The Secret even existed. Now also looking back I prayed to God to help me and he even led me to, now one of my best friends, Danni, who is also a huge belieber and we both tried to go together. I had the dream but the lack of knowledge at the time and belief because I didn’t know The Secret and I fell in to the traps of lack self belief. Ttrust me the burning desire was inside of me.
So basically my sister went to his concert and I didn’t go and I was crushed. Yeah it sucked but I won’t dwell on that and fast forward a bit so that following year 2011 basically sucked for me all the way up to the same point when the tickets came out actually that was also a rough patch but anyway the biggest turning point in my life happened when I came to know The Secret. I was very blessed being so young, I was 13 at the time 🙂 and all the mistakes and situations that happened in my life finally made sense. I felt for the first time that I know life will be amazing and knowing that feeling when you wake up that this day will be amazing is priceless 🙂 Anyway carrying on with the story so this year it was coming round the time again that Justin was going to have his next tour and I told myself automatically I’m am getting tickets, because there was no way I would let myself have to wait another 2-3 years to see him. So the week before my best friend Danni said hey why don’t we go together and said how she could get pre-sale tickets on Wednesday before the general sale on Friday. So I was so hyped and he was like freaking out this was amazing news. We soon found out that he was only doing one date in London where I live so it was reassuring knowing we had an opportunity to get pre-sale tickets.
So Wednesday cam Danni said her mum was buying them and she phoned up her mum at lunch to see if we got the tickets her mum said they sold out so fast she didn’t get them we were broken. So I was like no this won’t be a repeat of 2 years ago no way.I said we will try again on Friday this gave me a few days to build up for Friday. So I said I will use the Secret. The night before I was on twitter and everyone was nervous saying how he only had one date and so many of us wanted to go. I was determined not to miss out so I read through the creation process and read parts out of The Power to remind myself that everything’s possible to stop the feeling of fear creeping on me I would listen to Justin’s album and visualise and really feel myself in the crowd looking over my shoulder seeing my best friend and I singing his song along with the stadium at those point I felt as if I already had the tickets I felt literally on Cloud 9. I believed that I would achieve this, because I knew I deserved it just as much as everyone else. I made a promise to myself even though at the point I knew hundreds of thousands wanted this as much as I did,I knew what it felt like to not to be able to go when tickets do sell out it seemed very possible that I wouldn’t get a ticket because he was only playing one show; I promised myself if I do get these tickets I will then know anything is possible and I can do have and truly be anything I want.
So Friday comes along me I’m in assembly and the bell rings to go to our first lesson at 9am and I feel my heart drop as it means the tickets go on sale just then. Then it was second lesson Danni are in the same P.E. class and me and her are saying oh my gosh were so nervous and then my other friend starts freaking out in the lesson, because her mum texted her she got the tickets and Danni’s mum hasn’t texted her at all. I almost let jealousy get the better of me, because I wanted it so bad but I knew it wouldn’t do me any good so instead I tried to be happy for her instead me and Danni are like freaking out in our heads the suspense killing us. And all the what ifs? I really couldn’t take the dissapoinment. I knew this was going to bring us down so I started to sing our fave JB songs the same he would sing at the concert and by the end of the lesson we were smiling and happy.
So at break Danni phones her mum and her mum says no she hasn’t got the tickets but she’s still trying. My heart is literally fighting being defeated at that moment, but we try to still be happy and evaluate other plans we could try. At lunch Danni’s basically about to start a flood of tears and I know how she feels 2 attempts and still can’t see our inspiration in concert this isn’t fair but I stopped her and I was like look at me Danni now close your eyes, can you see yourself at this concert? yes she replied.Can you see Justin performing to you and the crowd? yes she replied again.Now see yourself singing dancing feeling the energy of the crowd performing live in the moment. How does it feel? Amazing she replied. Now I promise all the money in the world if you hold on to that feeling we will be at his concert. She said ok and we pinky promised.
So at the end of the day i’m on twitter seeing everyone tweet how happy they are and congrats on getting tickets celebrating and I’m just like what happend? I then decide to give up I tried.Then I tweet didn’t get tickets this sucks I go on tumblr and then Danni tweets me OMG TYRA I GOT TICKETS AAHHHH WERE GOING TO SEE HIMMM I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS JUST LIKE THIS CAN’T BE REAL OH MY GOODNESS IT WORKED. I was tweeting how grateful I am Thank you Thank you Thank you. So it turned out Justin added more dates that’s why I got tickets. It’s true what they say.
Out of no way and no how if you believe a way will be made. My advice is Believe just like Justin says believe in your dreams and never say never and so does The Secret. Trust me it’s not a coincidence they understand something. They understand The Secret hope this helps 🙂