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Healed Tooth.
Submitted by: E. O
NigeriaThat tall, dark, skinny girl from Africa.
I want to say thank you to God and also to The Secret team for changing my life completely.
About a week ago, I had a problem with my tooth digging into my gums. It would happen once in a while with my other teethe but this one was persistent! As it was digging into my gum, it was also inflicting pain on me, and my gums were constantly bleeding. I was confused about what to do about it as my Orthodontist was not feeling very well during this time. It was difficult for me to eat and talk and I needed something to relieve myself.
I then remembered The Secret and I decided to put it to practice. I sat down at the dining table and I closed my eyes and visualized myself eating with no difficulties, talking normally, and at rest. When I did that, I affirmed that my tooth was fine again, and was grateful that my tooth had returned to normal. I kept doing it throughout the day and the pain began to decrease. It persisted a little but I did it one last time and then I forgot about it.
I don’t know what happened but today, I suddenly remembered that my tooth had been digging into my gums about a week ago, and I was in pain. Now I was so amazed about how my tooth healed itself and shifted back to its normal position. Before I even began this process, I had already affirmed that I was going to record this story and here I am today.
I am grateful to God for healing me. I am so grateful to The Secret team for The Secret Super App because it had made my faith increase. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I want to give a word of advice to other people looking for a miracle. It is not too late to get what you want. All you have to do is believe that it is coming with absolutely no doubt, and let it go. You will see how your life will change.