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Have a Seat
Submitted by: Caitlin
MassachusettsI'm a 30 year old mom and a writer, and a ray of freakin sunshine, so I'm told.
I took my seven year old daughter to see her Trapeze school perform a free show the other night. It consists of students who have been working for weeks on their tricks in order to better their skills and at the end of the intensive they have a performance to show them off.
The place was packed and despite there being an ice cream place and many tables set up all around, there were no chairs. Many families had hoarded them to watch the show. So, my daughter and I get a table and stand beside it, trusting that chairs would become available. There were half a dozen other groups also standing by tables hoping for the same thing. A few moments later, a family hops up and heads out. I hurry over and grab two of the seven chairs, leaving the rest for someone else to grab. On my way back to my table I see an older woman standing by her table without a chair. As I passed I made the sudden decision to give mine to her, and so I set it next to her. Despite the gesture, she did not say Thank You. (That tiny detail used to have the ability to ruin my day. Still can if I’m not careful.) I’ve been practicing the Magic (and the Secret and have read the Power) and was determined to stay in the right state of mind.
I return to my table, letting my daughter settle into her chair and try to put out of my mind that she didn’t say Thank you. I said, No no… don’t let her ruin how it made you feel to do it, stay positive. This is going to be a great show.
I start dancing to the music, eating my ice cream, putting it out of my mind. Two minutes later, a chair appeared beside me. I turn to see a 10 year old boy, giving up his own chair to me, having seen what I had done. His family wasn’t staying for the show, so he wanted me to have his chair. This 10 year old boy chose to stand for the next ten minutes while waiting for his family to finish so I could have a chair.
I melted.