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Submitted by: Sally sunshine
UkI am a mum to two fantastic boys and a wife to a loving husband.
So I was reading a story from The Secret website and someone recommended reading the book “The Science Of Getting Rich”. So I listened to the audio and it says that when disappointments come, just be thankful. Basically look for the upside to things.
Well I’d arranged for a mum to visit with her little one to play with my children but she cancelled and couldn’t make it. I was disappointed, I wont lie, but I thought “Hey I’m grateful at least the house is tidy and I can invite someone else next week to visit and play”.
Well not more that 20 minutes later I was walking to pick up my kids from school and my phone rings and it’s someone wanting to buy something I’m selling!! Wow!!! Score! Just to update, she wanted to buy two items I’m selling!!
So people, gratitude helps even when things don’t go our way! Find something to be grateful for about the situation.
Keep smiling xx