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Getting The Life I Want.
Submitted by: Cher
I'm a young lady who has been through a lot but is still standing and happy to share my story!
Years ago, I had heard of The Secret but never got around to reading it. I met a young man who told me about it and even watched it with me. I learned so many things and immediately began to put into motion everything I had learned. It all started with visualizing and creating a Vision Board. I then printed out The Secret Check and looked at it almost every day. This is where it gets interesting.
I was working at a job that I absolutely hated. I visualized speaking about the job in the past tense and speaking about having financial security and stability. I was fired from the job and was declared disabled because of a lifelong battle with health issues. As a result, I now have financial stability and do not need to work.
Upon leaving my old job, I received a large-ish check from my 401K program. It was almost the exact amount I had written on the check to myself!!!!
I have also manifested things I put on my Vision Board. I wanted an iPhone for so long. I have so many pictures of it and I envisioned owning one. I just got one in my favorite color.
Sometimes I cannot believe how effective The Secret is. I am now typing my story on my iPhone and counting my blessings. My life has changed so dramatically since being introduced to The Secret. I want everyone to visualize having what they want. But most importantly, giving thanks and being grateful.
Thank you Lord and Rhonda for everything!!!!!