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From Heartbroken To Blissfully Happy
Submitted by: Melissa
New YorkA 25 year old woman looking for happiness.
First, I would like to send many thanks to Rhonda and her team! The Secret has truly changed my life and for that I’m am sincerely grateful!
I was in a 5 year relationship with a man who was not good to me. He was emotionally abusive, he cheated on me, and he was not supportive in any way shape or form. I was deeply in love with this man, so I didn’t really see how bad he was for me. About 2 years ago he broke up with me because he had found someone new. I was devastated. My life fell apart. It took me about a year to even consider going out with someone else. I asked the Universe to attract a lot of men in my life, so I could start going out more and having a good time. I asked and I received! I had a lot of fun and started moving on.
This past year I decided I wanted to meet my soulmate. I wrote down on a sheet of paper, all the qualities I wanted in this man, and I even wrote down a date that I wanted to meet him. Well it worked! I met him on the date that I wrote down, and he has 99% of all the qualities I had asked for. I could not be happier. He is absolutely amazing. It has been about 3 months and we are going strong.
My advice to all those who are searching for something more in life, is to just believe it is going to happen. I know that sounds easy, but it can be extremely difficult to master. Remember that you are not alone in how you feel. 🙂