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Found My Precious Lost Phone.
Submitted by: Sambhavi
IndiaThe Universe's child.
I had been looking for my old phone for a couple of weeks and had no idea where it was. That phone was simply a device that had broken glass, a touch screen that did not work, and only one of the buttons was in working mode. But it had so much on it. It is special to me even though I have a brand new one now. I had always resisted throwing it away. There are so many notes that I wrote on it. There are so many memories in the photographs I took that were still on it.
I had kept my old phone in order to repair it one fine day and then to be able to go through that nostalgic screen once again. Today I told the Universe that I would definitely find it and I manifested it! The law of attraction made it happen!
It was just sitting on the TV showcase, someone must have unknowingly put a box on top of it. I know it is not a coincidence that I found it. Thank you, Universe. Thank you so much.
To all you guys reading this, have faith in everything that you wish to have and the Universe will send it to you. From very little things to the biggest of them, you can get it all. Thank you so much to The Secret for changing my life. Thank you for The Secret Super App. Thank you so much to Rhonda. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.