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Finally Free!
Submitted by: Finally Free
Beverly HIlls, FL.68 year old happy female.
I have to once again give thanks to Rhonda for her groundbreaking work in The Greatest Secret for it truly is the greatest secret available to human beings. I have read most of Rhonda’s books and practiced the methods found in them quite successfully. But I still found it difficult to remain in a positive vibration without serious effort. And then I read The Greatest Secret and I did not just read it once, I read it religiously over and over again. I also bought the CDs and listened to them in my car, which, I might add, are amazing because all of the different teachers are on them. As I realized my true nature, which is the infinite, effortless Being or God if you want to call it that, everything has and continues to be revealed to me. I laugh so much because everything, everything is so easy! It is all so simple, beautiful, and perfect! Oh my gosh. I don’t have to do anything, anything at all! Everything just comes right to me, especially if my human person, my ego, does not get in the way, ha ha ha!
I was listening to David Bingham and oh, wow! Recently something magnificent was revealed to me in something that he said. David said, “Self-realization is the return to the Garden of Eden”, and then it hit me like a lightning bolt. Everything is perfect already! We do not have to think anything into what we want or what we desire because it is already here and perfect. When we have a desire and we try to think it into something, we change it or “condition” it. We are the Unconditioned Awareness of Being. A human thought “conditions” things. It creates. So now I am selling my home and buying another home closer to my family. As the Awareness that I already am, I have become aware that this is what I am doing and it is DONE. I don’t have to do anything at all! The perfect couple will buy my current home for the perfect amount of money and I will buy my new perfect house in the perfect location for the perfect amount of money. And what I realized, and was given to me by myself, is that it’s not that things are perfect just the way they are. Because the way they are in today’s world is a conditioned state caused by mass thinking, that everything is perfect already and no thinking is necessary! Imagine an empty canvas ready to appear out of ‘no-thingness’, and let yourself know as the infinite being, that you already are doing everything for yourself. This is freedom like no other freedom. There is no worry about how it is to be done, no looking to find it, and no stress at all. Just complete fulfillment and joy and peace. Total perfection.
We are the perfect vibration. We are God manifested in the human form and so is everything else. If you are not living here in this present magnificence then read and study The Greatest Secret and find out who you truly are. Find out that we are not our human mind or human body. Free yourself and truly live a heavenly existence. We are one.
Lots of love to everyone.