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Exams Cleared!
Submitted by: Miracle girl
The universe of magicI am a very strong believer of the supreme power and the law of attraction!!
I am very grateful to Rhonda Byrne and the entire team of The Secret. They have revealed the greatest secret for living for all of humankind!! So here goes my story.
It was the last semester of my final year and the last exams had been given. We had received the class grade chart. Unfortunately, I, along with 14 other students, did not show any results. We had been ‘black marked’ and they put ‘results pending’ next to our names instead of our grades.
I and the 14 others were really scared. We didn’t know what the reason was behind the pending results. The rumors started spreading. People were saying there would be a re-exam for all the pending result students. Some said that we had cheated and that some kind of malpractice had been happening during the examinations.
I called all my friends who were ‘blacklisted’ and I told them that this was not a very big issue and it was probably something very trivial and our results would come very soon. There were lots of doubts, questions, and anxiety among all the students. But there was something inside me telling me that this was not a major thing and that I would soon be receiving my results.
And guess what?!
Two days later, all the pending results were cleared and all our marks were sent along with the other students’ class grade chart. And as I believed, I cleared all of my exams and finally, I am a graduate now!
I think what helped me was that my thoughts were very positive and my thoughts became things. I am very grateful to the Universe and my lord for helping me clear my exams.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so very, very much. And may your day be as magical as my life is! A lot of Magic Dust to you all!