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Eternally Grateful.
Submitted by: Gráinne
North of IrelandI am an extremely grateful 26 year old female, living in the North of Ireland surrounded by the most amazing family, friends and Fiance that anyone could ever ask for. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am not sure where to start really. The Secret, The Power and The Magic have brought so many joyful people and experiences into my life over the past four years that I do not know where to begin!
Maybe I should start at the beginning when I was in the final year of my University degree, nearly 4 years ago. This was the year that I was introduced to The Secret by my older sister, who is a most inspiring and positive woman. I had always been a worrier, always wanting to do well for myself and wanting to succeed in life, especially where exams were concerned. Being final year, my final exams were close and my sister told me about The Secret and how being grateful and positive could help me through the stress and worry of my exams. I then bought the book and began to apply everything that Rhonda taught in the book. The end result was a First Class Honors in my degree. The following year I completed my Masters degree with an end result of a pass with a distinction, all of which I owe to the teachings of The Secret.
I then bought The Power and began to apply lessons to my daily life. I attracted a 3 series BMW just by visualizing it in my driveway! I also attracted a new job and may other luxuries all through the art of visualization!
For a good while though, I fell out of practicing and then my life slowly but surely slipped back into a path where I was reacting to situations in a negative way and therefore attracting negativity into my life. It was all through my own fault because essentially, what you give out you receive back. No truer words have been said.
Then when Rhonda released The Magic, I knew it was a sign that I had to start applying the law of attraction to my life again and to be grateful for the opportunities that were coming my way. So day by day I practiced the daily teachings that Rhonda laid out in The Magic and again my life flourished. I won concert tickets and I got a new house. My Fiance who worked away from home, got to finally come home and my job got even better. All through practicing gratitude, the results were amazing.
However, again I let myself fall out of practice and for months I did not apply gratitude to my daily living. This has resulted in becoming ill and being hospitalized as I was not being grateful for my health. While sitting in my hospital room I made a promise to myself that I would cement gratitude into every cell in my body from that day forward. Life is what we make it and I am going to make it the best that I can possibly imagine. Albert Einstein said that imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attractions. This is my favorite quote and it is so true!
In a way I think being hospitalized was a wake up call and it was supposed to happen so that I could be grateful for my health and everything and everyone around me because I am so loved and cared about. I also met the most amazing woman in hospital who had just had a tumor removed from her head. Instantly I knew that we were supposed to be friends. I sat with her at night, encouraged her to be positive and gave her a copy of The Magic to apply to her life. I told her about all the wonderful things that had happened to me with it’s help and guidance. She actually texted me last night and said that meeting me was on her gratitude list and that I was her angel as she met me at one of her lowest points. How amazing is that?!
I am on Day 5 of The Magic again, and already I can see the positive changes in my life happening through being grateful. I have made a promise to myself that I am going to inspire positivity in others, and I am going to give to every single person that I come into contact with.
To every single person who is reading this story, please take my advice and apply the law of attraction and gratitude to your daily life. You have been attracted to read this for a reason, please use it to your advantage and your life will transform and miracles will happen. Keep the faith and just imagine the end result the way you want it to be. Love, best wishes and many thanks to each and everyone of you. Especially Rhonda, she is the angel that was sent to us to uncover the truth to a magical life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.