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Same Dress, Job Success!
Submitted by: Eloise
I had been a teacher in the same school for 12 years when I discovered The Secret. I thought I was stuck there but I really wanted a job closer to home as I was commuting for 2 hours a day. I was reading Catherine Ponder’s book at the same time so I used her affirmation “I have the perfect job in the perfect way for perfect pay”. My husband saw an advert for a job in a local school, I applied, visualised getting this job constantly and I got the job! It was great for the first 6 months then the head became a bully. The job was also full time which was difficult for me with a family, so I quit.
I did supply for 3 months but I really wanted a part-time job within a half an hour drive from my home. I was constantly told by agencies that there is no such thing as a part-time teaching job. But I visualised this, I did not specify which school as I had before, but a more general visualisation, of me being happy going to a new job. My husband also kept reassuring me that as there was a shortage of teachers, schools might be more willing to accept part-time teachers. I had a job interview for a job 4 days a week, earlier this week. I got offered the job but the commute was too far but I took this as a good sign.
Today I had an interview for another teaching job, 3 days a week. I was quite stressed as this was my second job interview in a week. So I asked the Universe for a sign that this job was mine. This morning as I was watching the national news, I was astounded to see that the newsreader was wearing the same dress I was going to wear for my interview. I had bought this dress for £12 in the sale from a supermarket, not a dress you would expect a newsreader to wear.
It was a good sign, as I got the job!
I have learnt from this experience that the best way for me is to visualise and use affirmations often, but to not be too specific. Focus on the feeling as well. Also if this job is not perfect, then I know what to do next.