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Dreams come true
Submitted by: Radu P.
Deva, ROAll my life I’ve wanted something that can bring light to my mind, something that will answer my questions, and here it was… The Secret. If I look back now I know that everything good that happened to my life was because I’ve made a wish… and every time that wish came true.
I remember that I have asked myself what is the reason to live, and what is the meaning of life. The Secret revealed that to me.
My story begun after I saw the movie, and the movie was brought to my by mistake. I was surfing the web when I ran into it, and I was curious.
While I was watching the movie I started to notice that the law of attraction was present in my life before knowing anything about The Secret.
I’ve always wanted a BMW 3 series, the 94 model. But I’ve never knew how to get it – it seemed impossible. After seeing the movie I really started to believe in my wish… and a way was shown to me.
I am a saxophone player here in Romania and I make my money by singing at weddings. 2007 was the most prosperous year until now in my music career, so day by day I’ve earned the money to get my car… and now I have it. I remember the first time I ever held the steering of my new car… it was amazing. I couldn’t believe that I was sitting in my own car… a BMW 3 series.
This is just one of the many good things that happened after I saw The Secret. Another one is the fact that I found the love of my life… the girl I was looking for since forever. Before the end of 2007 I made a wish – I wished that I meet a girl, a girl exactly the way I like. And after 2 weeks or something like that, she appeared. Day by day I’m getting more in love with her… it’s an amazing feeling.
There’s more to tell, but these two things marked my life. And all I did is to wish something and believe that it will happen. 🙂
Trust your wishes, don’t have any doubt… they will come true. The meaning of life is to feel complete, to feel happy, to spread love everywhere. Thank you! These are the magic words. 🙂