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Dream College And Dream Subject!
Submitted by: Destan
TurkeyHey I am Destan and I am 19 years old. I come from Germany but I am Turkish and live in Turkey with my family. It was actually a total coincidence that The Secret found me and after that day my life has never been better. The Secret did not just change my life it also helped me to find the real me..
So it all started with me and my family moving to Turkey. I lived in Germany since I was 3 years old and this kind of big step was really terrifying for me. Back in Germany, I was one of the best students in school and I always got really high grades and knew exactly how to study. I struggled a lot with the school system here in Turkey and I did not even know how to do anything at school. The whole situation and changes put me in a deep depression and I felt like I lost myself.
One day my aunts and a family friend were talking about The Secret. They were all so fascinated about it and clearly, I had no idea what it was. After some time, my cousin came over and she brought The Secret book and it was not even for me, it was actually for my sister. But my sister did not read the book at all and it was just sitting there in the living room. I looked at the book and became really curious about it. At that time I was getting ready for the university examination so I was really depressed and negativity was all over me. I could not do a thing and did not see any process while studying for the exam. I began to read the book and immediately there was this strong feeling of love, and hope but mostly belief.
After that day I really tried to feel the power inside me and started to believe in myself after not doing so a really long time. I started to think about my dream university at every free moment I had. I practiced gratitude basically every night and was thankful for every little process. Visualizing is an important part of the process and is so important. I visualized myself seeing the results of university entry exams and crying from happiness with my family. The most beautiful feeling was while I was visualizing, I started crying because I really could feel the power, and from there, I knew the Universe was with me and showing me signs that I would make it.
Then, I got accepted to the university of my dreams! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Everything was exactly how I wanted it to be. So after this experience, I knew how strong the law of attraction actually was and it was the best feeling ever.
After some time, school started and everything was perfect. Now I was studying at one of the best universities in the country. But after some time I realized that the subject I chose was not really a good thing for me. I mean I loved the university but I was unhappy with my subject. I was feeling really bad because I did not really know how to change this situation. I did a lot of research to find out what might be a good fit for me. I really got interested in American Culture and Literature.
So after I decided what I wanted, I started to think and feel like the first time when I was getting ready for the university examination. I was a bit scared at the beginning about doing this whole exam thing again because this time it was a little harder. The subject I chose was at the same university I got accepted to before and was highly recommended, so there was a kind of competition going on. I did not have a lot of time to get ready but I was completely sure that I would achieve this goal this time, no matter what!! I started studying again and imagined myself walking through the campus and telling people that I was studying American Culture and Literature. I visualized seeing the results and jumping, screaming, hugging my parents, and crying for joy. The most important thing was that I never stopped believing, wanting, and feeling. I needed a really high score to get what I wanted and inside of me, I was always telling myself that I would not struggle during the exam and that it would be easy.
I made a copy of the same page as I did before, where all the results from the exam and the university you got accepted to show up. I wrote the score I wanted to get, put my picture on it, and wrote down my name, the university, and the subject I wanted on it. I saved it and I put it on my laptop screen and everywhere else I could possibly see it. I even put notifications on my phone, saying and reminding me that I had made it! I studied a lot more because I felt so strong and I knew that I would make it. Every other day I got better and better.
The exam day came and I felt amazing before, during, and after the exam. It was exactly how I imagined it would be. So then, I got accepted to not only my dream university but one of the best universities in the country! And I also got the subject I wanted! I screamed and shouted, and I was in tears. At that moment I literally was the happiest person on earth because I knew that now everything was perfect and that everything fit together. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
By sharing my story, I just wanted to demonstrate that sometimes things may not go the way we thought they would go but we have to keep in alignment and never forget that the Universe is with us, that we are never alone. When something is not working out, it just means that something better is on the way. And believe me, after feeling like changing my subject and then attracting it, literally everything in my life started to flow with ease and in the right way. This was the thing that was completing me along with other things in my life and my future. So the Universe brought it all to me. The Universe really does love us!
Thank you so very much to The Secret team for all your wonderful and inspirational work. And of course, thank you so very much to the Universe for all the joy, success, love, and blessings in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!