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Submitted by: Lauren
South AfricaI am a law of attraction follower and aspiring artist.
I can’t believe it!!!
This is my first story. So far I have been using the law of attraction religiously for about a year or more. I have had lots of success, but nothing that would give me the WOW response.
I have been doing The Magic practices this week. This was my second time around doing the practice so I thought “Why not amp up my good feelings a bit?” I already know how wonderful it works even when I am not at my happiest. So yesterday literally the whole day I followed “I AM” affirmations, I AM wonderful, I AM happy, I AM healthy” and so on. I even went for a bike ride to get my spirits lifted and boy did it work. There’s just something about being outdoors, in nature that gets you into the Vortex. I counted my blessings non stop. I was kinda obsessed!
Anyway, last night I logged on to my mail and my online purchases were going to be late due to a post office strike. So I thought why not try a manifestation now, when I am at my happiest and more likely to bring something into my existence.
There were 3 separate parcels I ordered that were to be delivered at completely different dates. One that I really wanted to be extremely early was a gift for my sister, so I logged onto the website, looked for inspiration and I closed my eyes and visualized that particular parcel arriving earlier. I never saw anything as clear while visualizing before! Then surprisingly like most stories of manifestation seem to go, I totally forgot about it, which is probably what you have to do, right?
I kid you not, the next day, about 15 minutes ago I logged into my mail like I always do and there it was! DISPATCHED!
I didn’t even think about it, I opened it and the parcel that was ordered the latest, that they told me was going to PROBABLY arrive at end of next month was ON IT’S WAY between 24-48 hours!
That was like What The..!!? I am so surprised and at the same time, not so much. Every book I devoured so far said Be Happy, come into alignment with what you want. That’s exactly what I did. Finally!!! Now I know from experience how powerful I AM, is!
Thank you! Thank You! Thank you to EVERYONE!!!