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Building Belief In The Secret.
Submitted by: Disguised Author
Planet EarthI would like to hide my Identity for now as I just want to highlight the power of 'The Secret' . I have a very big dream and I will reveal my story with my identity on the very day I achieve it for sure.. I know it that day is not so far
All this had begun when I was 17 years old. I was studying in college and I was quite an average student. One day our teacher showed us a movie called ‘The Secret’. Up until then I was completely unaware of such things and I always had a practical mindset. After watching the movie for the first time, I seriously did not understand anything and my life kept on moving as it was before.
Now I have grown up and was of the age of 24. Within this 7 years of my life, nothing brilliant happened with me as I was not applying The Secret. In these years I failed in many things. I was very frustrated in my life. My job was a burden for me and I just used to spend my free time lying on my bed. My life was complete boredom. Finally I quit my job and I was not sure what to do next in life. After quitting my job I was searching on the internet about starting a new career and I suddenly came across the same movie that I had seen 7 years ago, that’s right, it was ‘The Secret!
I believed that there was something in this movie that crossed me again after these many long years and I decided to watch the movie once again, and this time with a positive mindset. And guess what?
Here I got my breakthrough. I let the meaning of ‘The Secret’ seep into my conscience so deep that my life transformed completely. After watching the movie I found the right direction to move forward. I started feeling happy every day even though there was nothing new to be happy about. I also started receiving small good news and gifts that made me even more happy.
Now I understood the real power of positivity and The Secret. But I was still not sure whether these were mere coincidences or because of The Secret. Therefore I decided to test The Secret. I wished for really small things that were not in the hands of man. My first wish was that I would meet an unexpected person in a day or two. Guess what happened? On the third day I met not just one but two of my relatives whom I never thought I would see.
I became more curious and wanted to check consciously if it was just a coincidence. I was living in an apartment that had a large balcony and close to the balcony there was a tree. On that tree there was a unique crow that had gray feathers. I wished that I could see a gray feather of that crow in my balcony. After one day I was just going inside my room from the balcony when suddenly the same beautiful grey feather I wished for just rolled up in front of me. Now I felt that The Secret was really true and powerful if I believed that whatever I wished for would come true.
Now for the third time I again tried to test the power of The Secret and wished that I would receive something extra to eat that day and I really did get a lot extra to eat that day!
All these incidents not only taught me that The Secret works when applied properly but also I came to know that I received more than what I expected. For all those who do not believe the power of The Secret, I would request for them to have faith in The Secret as it really works.
Thank you to The Secret! Thank you, thank you, thank you!