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Braces… tehe ::D
Submitted by: Gen T.
Edmonton, ABI'm a thirteen year old girl, francophone (in eight grade), who's now using The Secret more then ever :D When I was in fifth, sixth, and a little bit of seventh grade I wanted to take my own life really badly, I had my best friend with me through it all supporting me which I'm very thankful for. I thought I would never get out of it, but when I was in seventh grade I overheard my parents talking about The Secret at the dinner table, and I kept listening. I didn't think of it much though, but it had caught my attention, and I focused all my energy on feeling happy again. At first I was exhausted, but the more I'd concentrate my emotional state would be better. Instead of being extremely sad, or mad at the world and myself thinking people deserved better than me, I got mad at myself for thinking that way, and I made a promise to myself: I will never be a coward. So eventually I was my happiest, and still am!
My story is about my braces.
Around four or five months ago, I got my braces. The first week was the hardest (of course) but eventually I just decided to ignore them. I had totally forgot about them, and in fact I would always daydream about kissing my boyfriend in ninth grade without my braces. Every time I thought about myself, it was with no braces.
Anyway on my first dental appointment after I got the braces, they gave me head gear (which thankfully I only had to wear at night, haha), I was supposed to wear it 10 hours, when I slept, but I was only sleeping 7 or 8 hours. So next appointment, they were checking my teeth, and the orthodontist asked me:
How many hours have you been wearing this?
Me: uhh… like 9 or 10
Orthodontist: Not more?
Me: No…
So anyway, then he went up to my dad, after and told him:
“In four weeks your daughter’s teeth have moved the amount they should’ve in six MONTHS! In only four weeks, her teeth are perfectly spaced!” (That put a smile on my face.)
So now instead of wearing my braces for like two or three years, I only have to wear them for a year.
They said they never had a case like this.
I thought it was hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing. Haha!
The Secret, works, it’s like a pill you take every morning that just makes you live your life in pink. I love it.