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Believe it, get it and enjoy!
Submitted by: Monica
Mexico CityI love new experiences. I have a great family and friends i choose as brothers and sisters. I love nature, animals, reading and art. Traveling and new cultures. Im spiritual but not religous...and most of all i love to laugh!
My story begins with a lot of gratitude to all of you! Thanks a lot! Because I was starting to lose the faith I always had, and watching The Secret reminded me that Law of Attraction always favored me before…that we just need to have faith and believe that the Universe is made of love, all we need to do is Live it, feel it and enjoy it! It really works!..
I quit my job almost 6 months ago – it was not a good job and I was surrounded by envy and angry people so i decide to take the jump and get away from that… I thought that a better job will come easy, but that didn´t happen. I spent all my savings, every plan I had was on hold and my future was uncertain (cause you have to know that the job situation in México is not good) …
Anyway in December I was really down, I have always been the positive person around my friends, but I lost it…so one day, a friend of mine told me that she watched a movie that changed her perspective about things, it was The Secret, and talked to me all about it. I believe it, of course!
So in January she gave it to me to watch…I saw it at least 3 times just to reinforce what my heart and spirit already knew, it was like remembering!… So I start making affirmations of my new job and life, start planning again, and suddenly I start to have many job offers, I imagine myself taking my new car to my new job, talking and laughing with new people and feeling in abundance!…
Today I got a call for my new job!…Now it’s my job! I’m living it right now! At this very moment!..I only expect great things ahead of me. A new begining, a new circle to be completed!…So thanks to you, cause I almost forgot that good things happen if you want them!