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Believe In Scripting!!
Submitted by: Aleah D.
Atlanta, GeorgiaYoung girl who has found The Secret to life!
I found out about The Secret a couple of years ago from a friend.
Like many others I used The Secret on and off, knowing that it worked, but not having enough patience to actually see everything come to light. Recently, I got back in touch with my inner self and began scripting.
I’d recently became interested in this college, but a lot of times I talked myself out of applying because my grades and test scores didn’t really meet the college’s “standards,” but I then began to script my acceptance letter. I thought about how it would feel and how accomplished I would feel if I got in. I then began to script more and more about my letter of acceptance and then finally I finished my entire application and sent it off to school.
I stayed positive and remembered to always be grateful to a point where I just always thought about the stuff I was grateful for.
I didn’t expect to hear from the college until next semester due to my low test scores, but I found out yesterday I got it!!
Call it luck or call it whatever you want, but The Secret is real! You have access to it right now!
I also recently have fallen head over heels for this guy that lives across state. I really want to see him, so I started scripting about our dates, conversations, interactions, etc. I can’t wait to update you guys on our status. I in-vision him coming down to visit before this year is over. I’m asking that he visits, I believe he will visit, I will receive his visit.
Stay positive, The Secret is in your hands!