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From A Bad Life To An Amazing Life Thanks To The Secret.
Submitted by: Jazzmine
England UKI am almost 25 years old. I have a daughter who is almost 3. Recently went through some things in my life and discovered The Secret. And it has really changed my life in the last month!
Many thanks to Rhonda for creating this amazing book and bringing this knowledge to the world. Also an amazing thank you to my Mother, for if it wasn’t for her, I would have never known about The Secret.
When she first told me about it, I thought she had lost her marbles but then I watched the film and started practicing it and it’s really changed my life the last few weeks.
I recently split from my partner of 8 years, we were going to be getting married this July, but we got to the point of not really talking and the chemistry wasn’t there at all. We were more like friends living together for the sake of our daughter. Two weeks before Christmas I got to the point where I just couldn’t cope with being ignored, unloved, getting no help with the house or our child, and sleeping next to someone I just didn’t love anymore. So I ended it.
I met my current partner very soon after the split. For the last 4 months my ex has caused stress on my new relationship, by constantly messaging me to argue, or just making me feel as down as I did in the relationship with him. It was putting a strain on my new life and my new partner.
After watching the film on The Secret and reading the book, I started saying to myself that we would finally get on for our child’s sake. And for 2 weeks now we have got on! We had a small disagreement about her potty training but that was as far as it has gone.
Silly things have worked too. My partner needed to fix his truck because the cross-member had snapped on one side and he needed a piece of metal tube to weld into it. He was constantly complaining about not finding the metal to fix it. So I told him about The Secret and we both said thank you and felt positive that he would find something to use.
Three days later the truck was fixed with a piece of metal tube!
I needed a parking space and I told myself I’d finally have a space as I never usually got one in the past. And within the moment of driving into the car park, I found one!!
Traffic on the way to work has been quick, barely any cars around, because I have been saying that the traffic will be good after months of being blocked up every morning.
My child is happier because I have more patience with things. When she misbehaves, now I just sit down and talk to her and try and understand her when she is having a strop.
Life is so much more positive. And I am forever grateful for everything, the good the bad, the hard, the easy. So thank you for bringing this book to us, and giving us the knowledge and the gift to guide our own lives!