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Ask And You Will Receive Every Time!
Submitted by: V
UkA very happy woman that has finally understood the law, even though I have used it so many times. It is now all falling into place!
Firstly I would like to thank Rhonda and all her team for showing me there is a way to have the life of your dreams. I always knew there was and this is the proof. I have read all of your books and I keep learning more from them each day.
I have used the LOA to manifest so many things in my life over the years but this recent story I felt I had to share, as it was something I had never been able to manifest before.
I recently had to do some work on the pipes that are on my property but they belong to the all of the 8 houses on my street. I rang a company to come and do the work and then was told they would send me an invoice. So I wrote a letter and posted it to each house, as was standard practice whenever we do this work. I have only been in my house for 10 months so I had never done this before but all the neighbours advised me this is what we do. So my invoice arrived and within a few days all but one neighbour had paid me their share. This proved a little difficult as I could not afford to put in the extra money and the company wanted to be paid now. So I told the Universe I would like an unexpected sum of money, $1,500 to be exact.
When this money didn’t come, I tried a new tactic which I had never done before. I checked my bank and I had just enough money to pay the bill. That would leave me with no money and I would not be getting my work wages until next week. I paid it and said to myself, “Whatever money I will need, God will provide for me.”. Then I paid the money and let it go.
That was two days ago and today I received a letter to my house that I was getting an unexpected pay increase of $1,500! And in addition to that, I have just come home now and I have received a note from the neighbour apologising for the delay and paying me the money she owed!
I am over the moon. I wanted to write about this story even though I have manifested many other things with the LOA including my house, getting my ex back, just to name a few amazing things. I see total proof now of when people say to just let it go and had total faith that God and the Universe would them what they wanted. I feel so happy at all times and on the rare occasion I don’t, I am able to quickly pull myself together and see how amazing the world is and how wonderful life can be.
Thank you for reading my story and please remember it is true what they say, as soon as you let it go, it appears.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!