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Ask, Believe And You Shall Receive.
Submitted by: Vc
CaribbeanI’m a true believer in The Secret and that good things can happen anytime.
First of all, I would like to thank all The Secret team for sharing The Secret with the world and me and for giving me the opportunity to share my story.
So this is my story. I came to know about The Secret by downloading The Secret To Money App and later on The Secret Super App. I started to write down all that I would like to happen to me. I also started being thankful and grateful for all that I had and was about to receive.
So when “The Greatest Secret” book was released in November, I started to check to see where I could buy it. However, it was nowhere to be found. So then last week I saw an advertisement for this book in a shop through Instagram and I was so amazed by the Universe wanting me to have it. So I got in touch with them last week and guess what? They just delivered it to me at home!
I am so thankful for the Universe answering me back! I just want to say to all of you to ask, believe and you shall receive. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And God bless you all.