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Amazing Discoveries.
Submitted by: EMlivingbydesign
PhilippinesI am a believer. I strongly believe that the Universe has my back. I am grateful and have such an amazing life fueled by gratitude.
A year or two had passed since I first discovered The Secret through a YouTube video. Out of curiosity and for the love of more discoveries, I watched the video. I had so many goosebumps moments and many things I heard resonated with me like, ‘Always have an attitude of gratitude’, ‘Feel good’, and ‘The power of visualization’. Believe me, I incorporated those things into my life. Everything in my life started going so smoothly and easily for me.
Then, I eventually lost sight of the teaching and got blinded by other things that did not align with my values. In short, I lost my spark.
A week ago, when I was trying to get back my light and spark, I searched again for ‘The Secret’ but this time, I did not find a video, instead I found an audio from a podcast. Now, I am really grateful for discovering that podcast and for listening to ‘The Secret’ again. It is like it is giving me hope, and comfort and I started to get back my light. Through that podcast, I made a new discovery which is The Secret website. If it were not for the podcast, I would not have discovered this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I expressed my gratitude to the team behind The Secret podcast and to the moderator of this website. And guess what? I made another discovery. It is The Secret Super App. I’m so excited to use it and be transformed by it. I have a strong belief that it is going to transform my way of living. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My huge thanks to the author, Rhonda Byrne, and for where The Secret began. Thank you so very much for your masterpiece. Thank you, thank you, thank you!