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Submitted by: Kristy Love
Detroit, MIMedia Personality and Life Coach.
This year I attracted everything that I wanted off my affirmation board, plus more! Last year I was determined that this would be my year of executive wins. I believed that this was my year to set up a foundation and belief in God that if I spoke it out into the Universe then it had no choice but to manifest.
This year I got an internship and a job in my field working for CBS. I opened up my own media company and I have been attracting more and more clients to work with. I was able to graduate from college and I passed all the math classes I needed. I also moved into a new apartment.
Now I am planning and executing my goals for 2017. I will work for myself by the spring of 2017. As I am typing this I am getting more inspiration to continue to help uplift and empower others. I also became a life coach this year and I am attracting more clients for this month as well. Make sure to affirm, read and meditate daily. Give thanks to God and the Universe for everything and worry about nothing. Thank you Rhonda! Thank you, thank you, thank you