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A Toothpick
Submitted by: Marie B.
I wanted to share my story of my first encounter with the law of attraction – or rather my first experience with deliberate attraction! It was late December, 2004, and I had just finished reading a book by self help author, Cheryl Richardson. In this book, one of the things that she talks about is the law of attraction. It was probably the first time that I had heard of the law of attraction, and honestly I am not even sure if that is what she called it, though I am pretty sure it was. In this book she challenged her readers to test this law by thinking of something, anything, and watching to see how long it would take for it to show up. I thought about it for a bit, but not wanting to be disappointed when it didn’t work (because nothing like that ever works for me right?), I quickly put it out of my mind and forgot about it.
Well not too long after reading that book, my family and I were on a road trip, traveling from Indiana to San Antonio, TX, when we stopped at a rest area along the way to eat lunch. At the time I had braces on my teeth and always carried a toothbrush with me wherever I went. Well, after I had eaten, I realized that my toothbrush was packed away in the trunk and was going to be a real hassle to find. I was almost in panic mode as I had just eaten a sandwich and needed to be able to clean my braces out- or spend the rest of the day with my mouth closed! And there was no way that was going to happen! All of the sudden I remembered the challenge from Cheryl’s book and decided that I would put this “law” to the test and just see what happened. I actually said to myself, “OK, a toothpick is what you need, and a toothpick is what you’ll get”. I fully believed that I would find a toothpick. So, without saying anything to my family I went to the car and began searching through all of the compartments, my purse, and basically any place that I thought a toothpick may be hiding out. After searching every place that I thought to look, there was no toothpick to be found. Still believing that I would find one, I left the car and began walking back to the picnic table while at the same time imagining myself using my precious toothpick. And can you believe that as I went to sit back down at the table, I looked down at my feet and to my amazement, there was not one, but two brand new toothpicks wrapped in cellophane just waiting for me to find!! As you can imagine I was a believer.
Thank you so much for The Secret. I purchased 5 copies and shared them with family and friends as soon as I saw you on Oprah. I watch it often and am still going on and on about it, and how it has changed my life. I love the stories that I read here and it helps me to regain my focus whenever I lose it.