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A Television Set
Submitted by: A Happy Person
Manila, PhilippinesA Recruitment Specialist in Manila, Philippines.
I have a vision board here in my room and as per The Secret Book says I have filled it up with so many cut out pictures from magazines. I posted places I want to go, a dream house of mine, several checks with specific big amounts I want to receive; including a cut out picture of a flat screen television that I always wanted to have (since I only had a 14 inch television in my room)
After 6 months or so I was able to buy a television set, this time a 21 inch much bigger, flat screen television indeed!
After a few days of enjoying it I got a glance of my vision board again, I got to remember the flat screen television cut out picture I have posted on it months ago and I realized that I was able to buy a television set because of law of attraction. I got closer to my vision board (thinking if the cut out picture I’d posted was of the same brand that I had bought), I had goosebumps when I saw this television cut out picture that I’ve posted on my vision board is the very same television set that I bought and evidently now have here in my room.
I’m so happy about it…Law of Attraction and the vision board tool is indeed true and soo effective.
I’m so excited for the rest of the cut out pictures that I’ve posted that are coming their way unto me the very soonest…
I’m so happy and grateful…thank you!