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A Spoonful Of Sugar And The Secret.
Submitted by: Dharsh
Durban,South Africa30 year old female, wife to a wonderful man and sister to 3 wonderfully brilliant, young women.
For the past 4 years, I had experienced many downfalls, tragedies, and sadness. I blamed everyone and everything for my situation and felt that my life was not going to get better. People told me that God wouldn’t give me bumps in the road if I couldn’t handle them but I felt the world was to blame. I began spiraling into an abyss of depression and self-loathing. My marriage began falling apart, I started to isolate myself from family and friends and I was falling into a mountain of debt. I could barely keep my head above the murky waters of darkness. I grew to be so unhappy that it created a chain of events that brought with it more bad situations, like the phrase, “When it rains, it pours.” I stopped having hope and faith and started to believe that this is what my life was going to be like.
About 5 months ago a colleague of mine had told me about The Secret. She had loaned me the DVD and at first, my impression was, “Yeah right, this is nonsense.”. However, after watching it for the 15th time I started to actually visualize what I wanted in life. I started becoming more grateful for what I did have rather than pitying myself for what I didn’t have.
My husband had been involved in some legal matters involving a large sum of money that was owed to his company. This created a tremendous amount of stress and frustration, especially regarding our finances. He had consulted lawyers and investigated the matter for 6 months but with no satisfaction. Money was still being deducted from his salary every month. Within a month after applying The Secret, it was found that my husband was not at fault and the legal responsibilities were on the service provider and all his money was refunded!
With regard to me, after applying The Secret I am happier, more grateful, and content with all that I have. My marriage is a lot better and we still have a few financial problems but none so big that can distract us from the true assets we have which is love and family. I have started going out more often and interacting with my family again. They all say that I am a different person, a person with more joy and laughter. I never thought I would get to this point. I introduced The Secret to my sister and she has also reported several positive things happening for her. I wish to share The Secret and the law of attraction with everyone I know as I want to pay it forward. The Secret has really changed my life.
I still view myself and my situation as a work in progress but I now find it easier to deal with difficult situations because I have learned to prioritize the important things in my life. The Secret is a wonderful way of living and worth sharing with all love ones.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!