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A simple hello
Submitted by: Anonymous
Latin America17-year-old-girl with positive thoughts :)
My story begins like this… I was at my house with a friend of mine and we were talking about THE SECRET and we wanted to test it, so we decided to set dates when our crushes will talk to us. I wrote in a piece of paper the name of my crush and then wrote “will talk to me this Saturday”. Then we sent our positive vibes and behaved like it already happened. Two hours after we did this procedure I received a simple “:)” from him on my facebook chat!!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes!!! I had added him about two weeks before he talked to me and this was the first time he had the courage to talk to me!!! It was amazing! I asked the universe for him to talk to me that Saturday but my wish came true TWO HOURS AFTER!!!!! Now I’m asking for him to keep talking to me and maybe someday have a relationship with him 🙂 🙂
Thank you Universe! Thank you Rhonda! This is amazing!!!