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A Powerful Visualization Manifested!
Submitted by: Rebecca H.
MississippiI have everything I have ever wanted because of The Secret.
I have known about the secret for over a year now. I wasn’t really a skeptic, but never truly practiced the visualization part. My career took a nose dive in 2008, and from then on I was taking anti-depressant meds to “cope” with failed jobs. I started to re-read The Secret, and from that moment on I knew I had to change things.
My dream job has always been to travel in a territory I enjoyed. Well, in order for me to get that job, I would’ve had to have stayed with the company I left in 2008 for at least a year. There was no way I could have stayed in that position long enough. So ever since then, I have felt hopeless.
I started emailing my old contacts and nothing would ever come through. No one would return my emails for months!! Well, I decided to visualize getting that email, interviewing, living in the city I wanted, and doing the job on a daily basis. It took no time before all of this fell into place! I received an email from my former boss asking me if I would be interested in taking a job in her territory! I flew out to interview the next week, and was offered the job that same day! I was amazed! This seemed to be something that was impossible for me to get, but I created all of it!
My life is so perfect right now! I could not have done this without the help of everyone involved in making The Secret! The law of attraction truly moves people, events, and circumstances for you to receive!