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A Miracle Happened!
Submitted by: Beloved
South Africa26 year old entrepreneur and student living the best life I could ever imagine.
This is my second story here and I am so grateful for the opportunity. This one happened in such a crazy way that I just knew nobody would ever believe me, but I am the happiest person in the world right now.
I was doing my first year of my second qualification last year, but I couldn’t afford the fees. So now I couldn’t continue to my second year. I had applied for national student funding, and I was so stressed out because registration was closing and they were not responding. I didn’t know how I did academically because you are not allowed to see your results if you are owing money. It just said I had passed. I was also staying at a place not far from my mother, and I loved staying there but it was getting expensive and I couldn’t afford it. Also my mother told me that she would not be helping me with that this year. I really wanted to stay here.
As the last dates approached I still kept the faith that things would work out, but the month was on its last days and I had to move in with my mother. I found out that I had failed two modules so I was not a second year as yet, but I was allowed to do a few modules. I didn’t like that option, so I told myself that I would do just the two that I had failed. I thanked God for the two modules because I told myself that it was all for the purpose of helping me with my entrepreneurship goals. Turns out I was not funded by the aid, so I could not do my second year. I prayed for a miracle. Mind you, I had a few hours left before I had to move out. I thanked God every second for this great thing that He was giving me today. I was so sure that I was staying at that place for the year and I was so grateful, that I woke up and cleaned instead of packing. I imagined myself sitting with a client by my desk. I imagined how great it will be to just walk in and out of my place as I pleased. I was so happy. Doubt kept creeping in, but I said God is the most powerful of all. I was so happy.
Then, a miracle happened! I got R100 000 straight out of the blue. I needed R36 000 to pay for the previous year, R4000 to register and R26 000 to pay for the whole year’s rent. I could now do all of that in a few bank deposits over a few minutes! All of it happening to change my whole life!
Of course I had other plans for the rest of the money which was more than enough. My mother couldn’t believe it. I am the happiest woman in the world right now. God will never fail you. God will never leave you stranded. In as much as God has a great plan for you, He will also give you what you want. Count your blessings. Count your manifestations. See how much God has done for you already. Trust me when I say, God is easily able to give you whatever you want, just trust Him. I am so happy you guys I can’t stop crying.
Magic Dust to you all!