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A Chocolate Frog.
Submitted by: AngieH
OhioI am a librarian at a community college and a new follower of The Secret!
I had heard about The Secret and the law of attraction several years ago but I had only just watched the movie a month ago. I was amazed and uplifted after watching it. Since watching the movie I have since read The Power and I recently bought The Magic. I have been applying the law of attraction to my life for small things so far with amazing results.
Recently, I asked the Universe for a piece of chocolate. I closed my eyes and imagined what the chocolate would taste like in my mouth. Then I let it go without worrying where this piece of chocolate would come from but knowing it would come. About an hour later someone brought in leftover donuts from a meeting. Two of them were chocolate. It was not exactly what I had asked for but I ate one anyway and thanked the Universe for the chocolate.
Then, the next day, a coworker returned from vacation and handed me a souvenir she picked up especially for me from Harry Potter World. It was a chocolate frog! I got my piece of chocolate! And a big one, too! Thank you Universe, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!