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£100 Refund From The Government!
Submitted by: Mollie
EnglandI am 24 years old and have been practising the law of attraction for about 2 months
So I got caught speeding and gained my first 3 points on my license, as well as a £100 fine. It all went through, I paid the fine, and it went out of my bank account to the government.
I have been practicing gratitude every day and have been manifesting all sorts of things including wealth. I am currently doing The Magic book’s gratitude practices.
My dad asked me if I paid the fine because the points had not shown up on my license. So I double-checked and I had paid for it!
I was on holiday two weeks ago, and I was checking my phone. Then out of nowhere, I saw that I was refunded £100 from the government, and for some mad and strange reason, it just had never gone through and I did not get any points either!
In what world does that ever happen, especially when you have been caught speeding?? It really just does not make any sense but at the same time, I am so grateful! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I honestly do believe it was the work of the Universes and that it happened because of the gratefulness that I feel every day!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe!!!!