Health is precious, priceless, and the greatest gift of life; it is something we receive and continue to receive, each and every day. Other than taking good care of our body, the sure-fire way to guarantee our health is to apply the principles of The Secret.
In this new book, Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, explains how the law of attraction applies specifically to our health. Armed with this knowledge, we can tap into the infinite power we have available to us to restore the natural state of perfect health to our body.
Subjects covered in The Secret to Health include the immune system and self healing, overcoming chronic and so-called “incurable” diseases, diet and weight loss, the power of the subconscious mind, and the placebo of positive thinking.
Rhonda also presents many inspiring examples of real life cases from people who have used The Secret to overcome serious health conditions as diverse as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cancer, tuberculosis, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety.
The Secret to Health Masterclass is the answer to a body and a life filled with joy, vitality, energy, and perfect health.
Explore the Secret

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Have You Listened to The Secret to Health and Have A Story to Share?
Millions of people from around the world have experienced The Secret and have shared their story. Do you have a story to share? Click below to add your own experience or read the experiences of others.