All Stories
Parking Angel Mojo
Among my friends and family I’m a kind of minor legend for my Parking Angel abilities. I can get parking spots in the busiest areas on the hottest nights without a hitch. This afternoon I watched The Secret, and I saw that I have been using the Law of Attraction to the tune of much…
Read More →Enough is Enough
I have been using the Secret for all of my life (I suppose we all have) but I was doing it unconciously. Until just recently! It took frustration and anger to finally push me to say, enough is enough. I was working as a weekend anchor at a news radio station in Miami. But I…
Read More →Life changing
Although I am still strugling to be perfect, and always positive, I have had very wonderful things happen to me using the Secret. This is one of the biggest: After months of debts, I received an invitation by James Ray to visit this website. I immediately ordered my copy of The Secret. After watching The…
Read More →Car Miracle
Back in Kenya, our old opel car had seen better days. I then decided to visualise the new car that would replace it. Moved the old Opel to a parking space next to the open car garage. Then I felt the emotion of driving in and parking the new car in that space. In 1…
Read More →It works just say it does
I came across the secret by a website. I got to watch it for free. I was blown away. I told my wife about it and we both ordered the video online. We both just sat there holding each other in complete amazement. We ordered the video right away. Well after putting together our dream…
Read More →Second Hand Attraction
After watching the Secret, I immediately connected with it, I’m a spiritual person so I believe that God created the universe, and He created the laws that govern this universe including the Law of Attraction. I believe ‘Faith’ and the ‘Law of Attraction’ are closely related – however the Secret finally shows you what you…
Read More →It’s confirmed
Last night my husband and I watched The Secret and it was mind blowing. For me a bit more then for Jeff (my husband). I have lived “the Secret” for all my life and didn’t know it. Couldn’t put my fingers on it, couldn’t explain my luck as we call it. I was born and…
Read More →My first Law of Attraction Test
While out on a bike training ride in the Oakland hills early last Sunday morning, my back wheel broke on a winding descent 20 miles from home. With the wheel unable to roll, I put the bike over my shoulder and began walking down a steep hill toward a busy road a few miles away….
Read More →The Change I Wish To See In The World
I bought The Secret about three weeks ago, and have watched it about 20 times now, and with each viewing I get a little more out of it. Up until recently my focus in life has been on what I did not want, on the fears of lack. Having been laid off from a job…
I have watched THE SECRET about 5 times already in 4 weeks. I quickly realized that I had been using the principles of THE SECRET in my life (around money) evident in my owning my 3rd home in 6 years (moving into a bigger and nicer area each time) and always having tens of thousands…
Read More →The Law that can’tbe broken
My first encounter with the Law of Attraction was on March 1, 2003. I was broke, living in one room and divorced. I had lost contact with my daughter some 10 years earlier and had tried for all those years to find her with no luck. After reading a book from Bob Doyle’s site I…
Read More →Your wish is my command.
After watching The Secret, I decided it was time to finally make a commitment to myself and my life. I began to visualize the kind of life I want to have and live on a day to day basis, and the universe listened, and answered. I was inspired to go talk to someone I had…
Read More →I Could Watch The Secret!
I stumbled into The Secret Website and watched the trailer, and I felt a huge curiosity; I needed to watch it, I thought. By at that time I was totally broke, I had in my only one debit card 1.05 euros available and The Secret cost to watch online around 3.97 euros total. I had…
Read More →Manifesting a salary raise
On a recent visit back to my family in England I shared The Secret with my son-in-law. He is a teacher at a local school. He was due to have the usual ‘end of term’ meerting with the principal and I suggested that we close our eyes and visualize the meeting with the principal praising…
Read More →Visualization Results
In my work I facilitate group therapy sessions in a residential chemical dependency treatment center. Two days ago I watched The Secret and was very impresssed by the message. Yesterday, I was scheduled to conduct a group sesseion and I abandoned my original topic, choosing insead to talk about the concepts outlined and presented in…
Read More →can you start on Monday?
I’m going back awhile with this story, but it still gives me goosebumps. I was in need of employment and had went through the exercise of “asking” the Universe for a job that suited me. On a Thursday I went downtown to visit several places where I had submitted applications. At each place I ran…
Read More →A New Beginning
I first viewed The Secret on After viewing, I made the decision to purchase the DVD. I’m blessed that I did. Every night and while working on my computer I have it playing in the background. Although many wonderful things are in the process of manifestation, the very first thing I say outloud is…
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